SPRINT: A SuPer-Resolution time-resolved ImagiNg and specTroscopy facility for rapid biomolecular analysis

The ability to localise molecules in three dimensions and understand how they interact within their native cellular environment is a crucial tool for experimental biologists. Molecular interactions occur within a diffraction-limited region (≪ 250nm), emphasising the need to study biological processes in living cells at high resolution, and in real-time. Advances in super-resolution stimulated emission depletion (STED) microscopy, fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM) and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) allow direct observation of nanoscale spatiotemporal dynamics of molecular interactions in living cells in real-time, offering the potential to deliver a step-change in our understanding of complex biological systems.
In the Centre for Biophotonics we host SPRINT, a BBSRC-funded integrated super-resolution time-resolved imaging and spectroscopy facility based around the Picoquant MicroTime 200 platform. SPRINT offers STED-FLIM and STED-FCS, and we provide expertise in imaging, instrumentation and analysis of data to help collaborators to get the most from their specimens.
If you would like more information on SPRINT and how it might help with your research, please contact us.